The new “Uniform Interstate Family Support Act,” (UIFSA) enacted during March 2016 (P.L. 2016, c.1) repeals the existing “Uniform Interstate Family Support Act,” which was adopted in New Jersey as P.L.1998, c.2 (C.2A:4-30.65 et seq.). UIFSA provides uniform rules for the enforcement of family support orders. In 2007, the United States signed the Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (“the Convention”). In 2008, the Uniform Law Commission approved amendments to UIFSA which incorporated the provisions required by the Convention. In 2014, Congress passed federal implementing legislation for the Convention, the “Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act,” Public Law No.113-183, which requires the 2008 UIFSA amendments be enacted in every jurisdiction by April 1, 2016 as a condition of continuing to receive federal funds for state child support programs. This bill repeals portions of New Jersey’s 1998 version of UIFSA, and implements a new UIFSA which encompasses those amendments promulgated by the Uniform Law Commission. This bill provides guidelines and procedures for the registration, enforcement and modification of foreign support orders.
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